
Fail – ALT Bind

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This is a great FAIL post on the forums!  World 1, Noob 0 ……………………………………..________…………………… ………………………………,.-‘”……………….“~.,……………… ………………………..,.-”……………………………..“-.,………… …………………….,/………………………………………..”:,…….. …………………,?………………………………………………\,….. ………………./…………………………………………………..,}…. ……………../………………………………………………,:`^`..}…. ……………/……………………………………………,:”………/….. …………..?…..__…………………………………..:`………../….. …………./__.(…..“~-,_…………………………,:`………./…….. ………../(_….”~,_……..“~,_………………..,:`…….._/……….. ……….{.._$;_……”=,_…….“-,_…….,.-~-,},.~”;/….}……….. ………..((…..*~_…….”=-._……“;,,./`…./”…………../………… …,,,___.\`~,……“~.,………………..`…..}…………../…………. …………(….`=-,,…….`……………………(……;_,,-”…………… …………/.`~,……`-………………………….\……/\………………. ………….\`~.*-,……………………………….|,./…..\,__……….. ,,_……….}.>-._\……………………………..|…………..`=~-,…. …..`=~-,_\_……`\,……………………………\…………………… ……………….`=~-,,.\,………………………….\………………….. …………………………..`:,,………………………`\…………..__.. ……………………………….`=-,……………….,%`>–==“……. …………………………………._\……….._,-%…….`\…………… ……………………………..,<`.._|_,-&“…………….`\…………..

Gaming , General , World of Warcraft

WoW Expansion Collector’s Ed. Sold Out!

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“Gamestop employees got a memo yesterday that preorders of the Wrath of the Lich King Collector’s Edition may have reached their limit, and we’ve just called and confirmed that — the Collector’s Edition is sold out already at Gamestop. Looks like Amazon also has also taken down their preorders, instead offering a signup to be notified “when this item becomes available.” The thing has only been on sale for two days, and already it seems many retails have run out of their listed units — in fact, Gamestop told their employees that they may not even have been able to […]


Wrath of the Lich King Collector's Edition

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I stopped by GameStop today and reserved my WoW Wrath of the Lich King Collector’s Edition.  It’s an extra $30 from the plain $40 expansion pack but you get some goodies with it.  I missed out on the previous two collector’s editions but not this time!  It includes: World of Warcraft: The Wrath of the Lich King on DVD-ROM. The Art of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, a 208-page book featuring never-before-seen images from the game. An exclusive in-game pet: Frosty, the baby frost wyrm. A behind-the-scenes DVD containing over an hour of developer interviews, the Wrath […]