Diablo III has been out for over two weeks now, & I’m one of the WoW Annual Pass owners playing it. However, unlike a WoW expansion I’m not hitting it hardcore; my main is currently level 38. That’s my choice and I’m taking my time since completing normal mode. Nightmare is definitely a step up and I am curious to play Inferno / level 60. Not to mention there are many more ability specs to unlock. Anyways, I thought I’d record and share the new ‘cow level‘ for Diablo, check it out below: How do you get there? Assemble the Staff of Herding (or find […]
Fun with Pistons in Minecraft
So the 1.7 Beta Patch hit Minecraft a few days ago and I was able to update my servers within about 36hours thanks to the folks at Bukkit.org! What has come of this patch? PISTONS! Visit Totally-Pro.com for my MC Servers
Coldarra wielder of Thunderfury
My DeathKnight Coldarra has completed the [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker] legendary sword from Molten Core tonight. All I can say is that the RNG Gods favored him. I ran MC a few times this last month with him (solo) when I was bored. So I ran MC last night, Monday, before raid reset – Bam – Garr dropped the Right Half of Thunderaan’s Eternal Prison. Tuesday came along today and I ran through it again (after I did on my warlock first of course) and – Bam – Baron drops the other half. So I took the MATs […]
Jack Sparrow / May Updates
Well WoW is again active after a 2 month break for me… so except more WoW stuff later on. Also wanted to share this awesome new video: The Lonely Island’s new album is out this Tuesday May, 10th!
Do you believe in Magic..ka?
Been fooling around with Magicka the last few days. Cheap but fun game. There is a story and a Challenge mode, online (up to 4) and solo modes. I made a small clip below. $9.99 http://store.steampowered.com/app/42910/
Ironforge Bank Laser Attack
Ironforge Bank Laser Attack, totally not a corny title. So my Mage friend and I are bored, thus we’re zapping unsuspecting folks in Ironforge with our Dark Jade Focusing Lens! Do you want to get ontop of the Bank like us? Check out Youtube videos about it like this one, need a mage though! ____________________ Music: Myndflame – Defias Mightiest (You can Download the MP3 Here) http://myndflame.gameriot.com/videos/Defias-Mightiest
Guild ICC Heroic Modes
Tuesday was our first step into Heroic Modes with ICC10, three down so far! I think Icecrown Citadel, at least on Heroic, presents an interesting challenge for Raid Leaders. With the ability to toggle Heroic on and off, you have to make your own plan of attack such as who to focus on first. During our first week, we took out the first three bosses with relative ease but then the fourth, Saurfang, is a whole other ballgame. We ended up skipping him (killing him on normal mode) for this week so we could try other bosses on our way […]
Arthas be Dead
Well the we have finally downed Lich King! Unfortunately I had to use my warrior… Due to the wondrous nature of 10man Raiding Guild Recruitment, I bit the bullet and just brought my alt Prot Warrior Rackham in for our first Lich King kill. Although having the Kingslayer title on my alt is amusing, I will be on my Warlock next time fulfilling my proper role in raid, to melt faces. We actually downed him on our last go for the night as Raid End time passed as we were doing the encounter. Always nice to grab the kill even […]
I’m a Rocketman, burning up RaF tonight…
Hey homles, check out the new ride! If you have not heard, or live under a rock, the new Recruit-a-Friend rewards mount is the X-53 Touring Rocket two person flying mount and it’s badass! It scales to what your maximum flight speed is such as if you have epic flying and/or a 310% mount! You might be wondering who I recruited? Well I must admit it was just myself… I used my old second account (from back in December) for the Rewards portion. How can you get this mount? If recruiting a friend is not an option then you’ll end […]
How to: Light-up Dalaran
Lighting up Dalaran! The latest small video from yours truly. Item needed: Windle’s Lighter from Windle Sparkshine.