General , Minecraft , Tech

New Net for 2012

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Moved into my new apartment this last weekend (which is only about ~5mile from the old one). BUT with this move I’ve switch Internet service providers! What does this mean? MORE SPEED  My new upload is now a wonderful 3 megabit (or 375 kilobyte) per second. This means that I can now Livestream in glorious 720p HD. So look for some updates on that soon! FYI: Internet companies generally advertise in Bits and not Bytes. Your computer normally displays speeds in Bytes (the smaller number) so to find that number just divide the bit amount by 8. 1 byte = […]

Gaming , General , Review , Tech

PC Upgrade 2011

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Christmas was simple this year, did not have a big family gathering. Simple is not bad though and my PC got some love. I built my current PC back in May (2011) with the base stats of Intel i5 3.2 GHz w/ 8GB DDR3 and my old 64GB SSD & GeForce GTS 250. The Holidays brought about some new additions: Bamboo Capture Pen Tablet Logitech Wireless Gaming Headset G930 OCZ Agility3 120GB SATA III 2.5″ SSD Corsair 8GB DDR3 1600 (2×4) Now my system is max’d at 16GB of RAM with two Solid-State Drives thus my operating system is once again booting at […]

General , Tech , World of Warcraft Live

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The new Apex Community Website I’ve been working on is live now! at This new website will allow Apex to continue gaming in any capacity while still having a central website location. StarWars: The Old Republic will be out in less than 10 days and it will mark the first major game some Apex members will be playing and utilizing this new website. Background: I joined Apex, the guild on Garona [US] in World of Warcraft back in April this year. This guild itself has been around since the first week of WoW and has actually existed throughout many […]

General , Review , Tech

Monoprice, Always Winning

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Warning, this post is almost a real blog entry! *Gasp* Anyways, I wanted to share an awesome website for those who have been overpaying for various cables assemblies. Monoprice is the word of the day. For all your cable and adapter-like needs. I used to use Ebay primarily for such things but now I just head over to Monoprice for such things. This is why Monoprice is always winning: I can buy all that stuff below when it would cost me pretty much $20 per item in a store (like BestBuy and Staples, or even Walmart). Just the simple DVI […]

Gaming , General , Review , Tech

New PC Build 2011

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Well my birthday has come & gone now, funds from this year attributed to info below. I can happily report that I’ve actually put WoW’s slider to ULTRA in the graphics settings and I still get at least 40FPS in Stormwind. rawr Case: ANTEC One Hundred ATX CPU: Intel i5 2400 (3.10 GHz Quad) Motherboard: Intel BOXDH67CLB3 1155 ATX RAM: Corsair 8GB (2×4) D3 1600 PSU: PCPower 650w Silencer Mk II HDD: 500GB WesternDigital Blue Sata 6.0 Optical: 22x DVDRW SATA w/LightScribe Not shown in picture (not new, these are from my last PC) SSD: PNY SSD 64GB GFX: Nvidia […]

Gaming , General , Review , Tech , World of Warcraft

How to Fix $160 WoW Headset Mic

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So I bought a Sound Blaster World Of Warcraft Wireless Headset about a month ago for $140 (on sale). And ever since using this headset, the earphone sound is great but many of my friends on Ventrilo hate the new mic! After toying with every setting I can think of and trying to find a solution online, I stumbled upon my own small fix. Ever see the mics with a foam cap covering the tip — like the one to right side of this paragraph? That’s what you need! Except I don’t have such a thing so I made my […]

Review , Tech , Xbox

World of Modern Warfared via 360

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Small break from the usual WoW posts, time to mention the Xbox and my experience thus far. After much debate, ‘I bit the bullet’ and bought an Xbox 360 (Limited Ed. MW2) a couple months ago. Why Limited edition: For those who do not follow the ‘Xbox family‘ of products, the limited editions tend to be $100 more in price. Naturally, a couple of friends wondered why I would bother with purchasing such a version but I figured why not? Aside from being the latest and greatest (thus presumably less buggy) version, the harddrive is 250GB, a nice step up […]

General , Review , Tech

iPhone Upgrade

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This post is being brought to you via an app on my new iPhone 3G S! I’m very happy so far with my new mobile device. It is a huge step up from my old Net10 prepay tracphone! So after a year of waiting I bought this phone yesterday & have been exploring the many features since then.